'We're under attack by an enemy Servant, now, I believe personally that our opponent is a more powerful Tamamo-no-Mae, and we need to be careful when dealing with her, because she appears to have been granted an additi-' Chief Shinji was cut off. 4845135 'OK Everyone! This is an emergency situation!' The head of the table spoke, an existence known to the others as Chief Shinji. General Archive: om/qstarchive.html?tags=WhatIsAQM that really isn't of much concern to you right now.Īrchive of Paradox Reincarnator: om/qstarchive.html?tags=Fate/Parado x%20Reincarnator Since that day, your new composite being has been working to change the grim future laid out for you, but.
You are Shinji Makiri, Ten years ago you suddenly found yourself with the memories of a complete past life that saw this world as a fictional story due to some unprecedented form of inter-dimensional transportation. Well, at least in not any serious capacity. 4845134 The Grail War is on hold, in fact, most everything is on hold, for now is the time for a Carnival Moment, where things like Grail Wars simply don't happen.